About Us

About Us

Pappa Ciccia is owned and managed by Tino & Shelly Mereu, we have lived in Fulham for over 25 years and have 2 children. Our older son now works in the business as does our nephew and my sister-in-law so we are very much a family. We are backed up by a loyal hardworking team that have been with us for many years.

We are a Pizzeria-Trattoria serving pizzas, pasta, salads and seafood dishes established in Munster Road, Fulham in 1995.

We have one Italian restaurant in Fulham and one takeaway & delivery branch in Putney. Our restaurants have built up a solid local following, thanks to our great Italian food and friendly informal atmosphere.

Since our first Fulham restaurant opened, our pizza has become famous for its incredible authentic Italian taste.

Why not come in and try a Pappa Ciccia Special Pizza, or our mouth-watering penne arrabbiata and perhaps a delicious Pappa Ciccia dessert.

We have lived in Fulham for 27  years and with two children of our own, we understand the importance of a child-friendly restaurant. We guarantee that you will find something for everyone at our restaurants, whether it’s a family meal, party, business lunch or romantic rendezvous.

When you come to Pappa Ciccia you will find wonderful traditional Italian food and a warm welcome. We are very proud of what we’ve achieved and have built up a wonderful local clientele who are loyal and extremely supportive.

We are very grateful to the amazing local residents of Fulham and beyond. We put our heart & soul into the cooking and service and our success we feel is due to the personal attention that we give to our restaurants every day. It’s a very competitive and demanding business and as we are open 7 days a week it requires 100 % dedication and lots of passion.

We also offer an excellent delivery service and private catering for any occasion. As well as offering the most fantastic pizzas, we have a complete menu using ingredients we source from all regions of Italy.

So for a taste of Italy delivered to your door, a risotto for a cosy night in, or a pizza in front of the television… call us 020 7384 1884 Fulham, or Putney 020 8785 7349

We know you’ll love our food.


About our name

Where did we find the name Pappa Ciccia?

When we were opening my sister-in-law Romina and I was trying to think of a catchy name she came up with this name Pappa E Ciccia. We loved it straight away it just sounded right.

Pappa E Ciccia were an Italian pair of actors in the ’70s that were very funny and made lots of comedy films. Translated it Literally means “pappa” is baby food or mush, and “ciccia” is the chubby spare tire around your waist.

When two people go together like “pappa e ciccia” it means that it’s perfectly natural, best friends!

We loved it because it sounded so informal, catchy and was easy to say and remember. As time went by many people said it without the E in the middle so finally, we dropped it.

Thank you so much for supporting us.

Shelly & Tino